Human Services
Introduction to Human Services
The cluster classroom experience includes both foundational life literacy and technical skills to develop the healthy self of the individual which will enhance success in the helping professions. The career and technical skill organization, Family, Community and Career Leaders of America (FCCLA), adds to the learning environment and personal growth by offering opportunities to develop leadership while classroom knowledge and skills are applied in authentic work and community related situations.
Early Childhood Development and Services
The Early Childhood Development and Services pathway focuses on the careers relating to meeting the needs of children (birth to age five), be they providers in home, community, educational or institutional settings and includes child growth and development, nutrition, recreation, planning and supervising learning activities; child abuse and neglect prevention, working with parents and the legal and administrative requirements of the field. Careers range from preschool teacher to child care center manager.
Family, Community and Consumer Services
The Family and Community Services pathway focuses on careers relating to meeting the essential needs of people, especially occupations which focus on relationships between and among family members including family counseling, marriage therapy, non-profit management and others related to helping others. This pathway is unique in that the entire human condition is reviewed. This is based on the philosophy that no one topic is stand alone, but rather needs to be studied together just as people interact with society on a daily basis and function in the world. . This cluster addresses knowledge and skills in a range to topics from nutrition and wellness and family studies to consumer and personal finance and human growth and development. A strong tie to service leadership is part of this pathway which enhances empathy and caring, two traits important to this cluster area.
*all information taken from the KSDE CTE website